Monday, August 17, 2009

Approaching the Brockman Hills

The images in the Bible of God as a pillar of smoke or a whirlwind come to mind when facing something like this in the desert. A creation of heat, this towering plume crossed my path on a windless day, making the barest of whispers. I stand in awe of something so big and silent, knowing it is a reflection of a Sovereign Glory I can barely comprehend.
Even after moving into an area void of dust, these vortices are still present. Driving through them while they are invisible is a surprise. A great day would be to follow one on foot, baking in the desert sun, being covered in dust, greeting the occasional desert dweller with a wave - wouldn't want to break the silence with speech, except for the occasional lifting up of "a song to Him Who rides through the desert" (Psalm 68:4).
God is good.

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